Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Let's Go Fly A Kite!

It was cloudy and windy today, almost too windy for flying a kite. On the way home, we saw some people at the park doing it though, and thought we might try it too. We were going to go to the park too, but then we realized that other teams had softball games tonight (we had a BYE), and so the people we had seen most likely were going to have to move. So we just did it outside our house, and moved whenever we saw a car coming.

Becca was the first to try. She did very well...

Everything was going wonderfully, till we got it stuck in our neighbors tree (not our big palm trees in the next picture, another tree a few houses down). I was so focused on rescuing the kite that I didn't take a picture of it stuck there, and only later realized that it would have made this little photo essay funnier...
Next, Mallory took her turn...
let some of the string go...
There you go...
Beautiful!!! :)
We did this for about an hour, and then the string broke and the kite bombed down. Perfect opportunity for us to have some fun on our off-game Tuesday. We will have to fix it and do it again, next time it gets windy!!! Hopefully those of you who are reading this and have snow outside will get some nicer weather soon-meaning our Pittsburgh and Oregon family that have reported snow within the last few days- Don't worry, we will probably be wishing for your weather when it hits 90 this Sunday! In APRIL!!! We will let you know how long we go before we break down and turn on our A/C... Love you all!


Cammi said...

What a fun day! A perfect spring activity! Girls - you look so cute! MISS YOU!

Judy Stohl said...

It looks like you had so much fun flying your kites. Grandpa said he was about blown away also. You are looking so grown up - you are soon going to be as tall as grandma - not hard to do!! Miss you!